My name is Erielle Gonzalez and I am a recent graduate of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley who majored in Visual Communication Design. I have a strong love and passion for editorial design, typography and experimental design!
I previously worked at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley as a Graphic Designer for the Student Union and at Xpress Printing as an Intern.
It was into my late sophomore years of high school that I realized I wanted to do something with computers and art. At the time, the only art that was recognized and taught was traditional art. I met a teacher that changed the whole course of my life by introducing me into the world of graphic design, and I instantly fell in love! The variety of colors, the different typefaces — there was so many possibilities that opened up to me, and now I can't get enough!
If I'm not streaming on Twitch, you can often find me leafing through my ever growing collection of design books. I think it's important as a designer to have a personal library of references and inspiration to look to!
“The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude towards the problem.”
— Captain Jack Sparrow